Saturday, September 28 @10AM.
Westchester Lagoon, Anchorage, Alaska.
2K & 5K Adults - $35.
2K & 5K Children 5 years and older - $15. Children under 5 run for Free!
**Family Discount - if you register 5 or more, every child is only $10.
Celebrating Anchorage's Diverse Cultures
The Anchorage United Nations Day Run is a fundraiser for the Anchorage School District (ASD) language immersion programs. This is a fun 2K/5K run along the coastal trail open to all wishing to celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity of the ASD and Anchorage community.
The Anchorage United Nations Day run is put on by the MIR Parents collaborating with other language immersion programs in Anchorage School District. Funds raised at this event support the purchase of classroom & library materials, after-school K-6 learning programs, cultural events and student exchange program. We aim to build bridges in our community & world through cultural/language education, understanding, and friendship.
As a sponsor, you will be able to promote your business and be recognized as a community supporter of education via our website, Facebook page, fliers, posters, MIR emails, and at the event. Thank you for your consideration this year! For more information about becoming a sponsor, please email Thank you!
Thank you to all our 2023 Sponsors!
Our 2023 Ambassador Sponsors:
Alaska Center for Pediatrics
Questa Locke, Home Quest
Spinell Homes
Our 2023 Partner Sponsors:
Alexander Homes
Construction Machinery Industrial, LLC
Hutchings & Associates CPAs
Our 2023 Friend Sponsors:
Jackie Spinelli
Richard Mantyla
Thank you to Moose's Tooth, Alaska Rock Gym, The Alaska Club, Kaladi Brothers, Healthy Futures, Great Harvest Bread Co, Yampolsky family, Stephanie Kiefer, Lauren Spinelli, Turnagain United Methodist Church, UAA Track and Field Team and high school student volunteers for your kind donations and support of Anchorage United Nations Run 5K/2K 2023.